Message from President
Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wabarakaatuhu…
Dear parents, Teachers, Staff, students and well wishers. ISD School Payyanur stands out as one of the best educational institution in Kannur district. The school maintains a record of high educational standards with latest and most technological facilities and amenities.
The campus houses in numerous classrooms at different sections, laboratories, library, lab, activity rooms, playground, court for different games, cafeteria and administrative office. These all are built up by our professional team of dedicated staff. The age of our school is 30 years old now. It has provided excellence in qualitative education. ISD aims each individual should be equipped with knowledge and empowered with strong character and motivations. The best thing about ISD School is that it is situated in a pollution-free area.
Therefore we request parents and well wishers to continue your valuable support for making our institution central hall of excellence.
Jai Hind
Assalamu alaikum
The President
Tejas Ashraf
Message from General Secretary
ISD is a registered charitable society pivoted by enthusiastic and dynamic social workers from different walks of life providing socio-cultural, educational and job oriented training in Kannur and Kasargod districts of north Kerala.
The first milestone of the ISD was that the school got successfully affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi in the year 1995 .It is built on a six acres of land at UliyathuKadavu, in Payyanur and has been functioning since the last 3 decades. And it is now being upgraded as ISD Senior Secondary (CBSE) English School. Hundreds of our students have graduated during this period and are working in various fields in different parts of India as well as abroad.
The late Dr.K P O Sulaiman was the founder president of the society with a strong team comprising late N.Mahmood Haji, late V. DawoodHajii, late DR. S.V.AbdulKhader, M.K Thayyil haji ,Late M.MuhammedKunhi, AG Ahmed,Prof K.P.Muhammed Salleh,Eng..M.T.P. Abdul Kader,A.T.HamzaKutty,Dr.P.VAboobacker,S.K Hamza Haji ,Kakkulath Abdul Khader,T.P.MohammedKunhi,S.A.P Hashim Haji .Now , the President of the Society is Mr.K.M.Ashraf.Mrs. Laila and Mr.Lukman are special invitees for the meeting besides the executive committee members.
The ISD society has vowed to make ISD School as the best School in the area by introducing innovative and creative digital platforms. As a part of it, we have entered into an agreement with an outside software company to create a dynamic web for the school. By doing so we hope we will be able to catch up with the time, to get the most accurate information to make more effective decisions. Principal and teachers gain time saving administrative tools, parents gain immediate access to their children’s grades and students can track their own progress in the time to come.
As all of you know during the last one year or so, like all other schools we have faced so many difficulties and we are proud to reveal that we are always the first school in Payyanur to introduce online classes during this covid-19 pandemic in order to complete the syllabus satisfactorily. We assure you all that any issue in relation to it will be solved during this academic year. And this academic year we have appointed a new Principal, Mr Suresh Poduval who has been working as Principal, Administrator and Academic Director at various states of India for the last 24 years and we all hope his appointment will definitely will boost us to enhance the developmental activities that we share with you from time to time.
We would like to thank all members, parents, teachers and well wishers without whose real help and prayer we would not have been as we are today.
Expecting your continued support as always.
K.P.Mohammad Sa’ad
General Secretary (ISD)
Golden Memories

Management Overview


Mr.Mohammad Sahad.K.P

Kakkulath Abdul Khader


Engr.C.Shoukath Ali
Vice President


Mrs.Nadeeda Majeed

Dr.Ahmed Shafi
Executive Members