The one day long Science Cum IT Young Minds Hackathon held on 19/12/2024- Thursday in the school under the initiative and mentoring of ISDAA was a novel experience to ISD Family.

30 students dispersed in 5 teams competed in the Hackathon. Each team had 2 mentor teachers.
The topic for the competition was Impact of Human Activities on Water bodies.
The teams got involved in active discussion using different AI tools in the forenoon session and prepared their Power Point slides.Mr.Amal ,judge for the competition observed and analysed the team Activities throughout.
ISDAA representatives, Mr.Lukman & Mr.Sahil guided and monitored the session.
Each team came out with amazing solutions and did their fabulous presentation in front of the Judge and audience.
Team E came out as the winners.
Mrs.Nadeeda Abdul Majeed, Mrs.Laila. Mrs.Shahina and various other ISDAA members made their gracious presence on the day.

Mr.T.P.Suresh Poduval,Principal and Dr.Ahammed Shafi, Manager gave away the certificates for the participants.