With immense pleasure this is to apprise you all that the ISD School has planned to conduct CCA/ECA for the students for the session 2021-22 virtually on Saturdays. As you are aware that the school curriculum is conceived as the totality of learning experience that the school provides for the students through all the manifold academic and non-academic activities in the school or outside that are carried-on under teachers’ effective mentoring and monitoring. CBSE stresses that the school should become a center for holistic development and provide different types of activities for children to observe and experience throughout the academic session.

Value of CCA/ECA

  1. The creative and constructive activities provide for the expression of the children’s individual talents. They get preliminary training for their future vocation.
  2. CCA/ECA is important and essential for the five fold (Mental, Physical, Spiritual, Social and Vocational) development of the student.
  3. Students learn valuable lessons in practical co-operations and the habit of team work by participating in CCA/ECA.
  4. Education for leisure is as important as education for work. If recreational interests are developed during school life, they prove to be very beneficial in the leisure hours of adult life and make life fuller and richer.
  5. CCA/ECA develop qualities of leadership among children and imbibe the virtues of initiative, clear thinking, originality resourcefulness, tolerance, patience, enthusiasm, self confidence and self reliance.
  6. Productive and creative CCA/ECA helps in the development of 4 Hs of the children, namely – Head, Heart, Hand and Health.
  7. Effective, Productive and Creative CCA/ECA helps in the optimum development of 4 Hs of the children, namely – Head, Heart, Hand and Health.

Some of the preferred topics for the activities are mentioned below for your kind reference. Besides, you may opt for other innovative/creative topics that are apt and relevant for the respective class and students.

  • Good Habits and Manners, Health and Hygiene, Food Habits, First Aid etc.
  • Word Game, Reverse Reading, Reverse Writing, Reverse Speaking, Spell bee, Fun with letters etc.
  • Song, Speech, Dance, One act play, Poetry Recitation etc.
  • Best out of wastes, Drawing, Calligraphy, Collage etc.
  • Slogan Writing, Poster Making, Hobby Craft, Greeting Card Making etc
  • News Reading, Cricket/Football Commentary, Extempore etc.
  • Find the Positives, Dumb Charades, Fancy Dress, I am the Best etc.
  • Quiz (Written and Oral), Story Telling, Story Writing, Poem Composition, Book Review etc
  • Fun with – English, Malayalam, Hindi, Arabic, Maths, Science, Social Science
  • Budding – Scientist, Mathematician, Doctor, Teacher, Economist, Linguist etc.
  • Debate, Role-play, Opposite Action, Cookery etc.
  • Covid-19 Awareness