Curriculum Overview
Being affiliated Central Board of Secondary Education New Delhi ,the school follows NCERT syllabus for all classes from I to XII. KG section fosters new methodology of teaching-learning process enabling the little buds to open up themselves.v

CBSE Assessment/Exam Pattern For Grade 3 & 8
- The Academic session is divided into two terms: TERM-I and TERM-II
- Term I: Internal Assessment 1 and Half Yearly Exam
- Term II: Internal Assessment 2 and Annual Exam
TERM I – 100 Marks | TERM II – 100 Marks |
Internal Assessment I – 20 marks | Internal Assessment II – 20 marks |
1. Periodic Assessment – 10 Marks | 1. Periodic Assessment – 10 Marks |
a) Pen-Paper Test — 5 Marks (June / July) |
a) Pen-Paper Test — 5 Marks (November / December) |
b) Multiple Assessment – 5 Marks (To be completed by August)
Oral Test, Class Test, Slip Test, Group/Individual Assessment, Role Play, Debate, Graphics, Quiz, Assignments etc. |
b) Multiple Assessment 5 Marks (To be completed by January)
Oral Test, Class Test, Slip Test, Group/Individual Assessment, Role Play, Debate, Graphics, Quiz, Assignments etc. |
2. Portfolio — 5 marks
Notebook, Class Participation, Regularity & Punctuality, Neatness, Achievements etc. | 2. Portfolio — 5 marks
Notebook, Class Participation, Regularity & Punctuality, Neatness, Achievements etc. |
3. Subject Enrichment Activity — 5 marks
Listening, speaking skills, vocabulary, Word Game, Dictation etc. (Language) Project, Exhibition, Seminar, Experiments, mock-up, Kaleidoscope, poster making, shapes, mental maths etc. (Maths and Science). Project like map work, Survey, field Trip etc. (Social Science) | 3. Subject Enrichment Activity — 5 marks
Listening, speaking skills, vocabulary, Word Game, Dictation etc. (Language) Project, Exhibition, Seminar, Experiments, mock-up, Kaleidoscope, poster making, shapes, mental maths etc. (Maths and Science). Project like map work, Survey, field Trip etc. (Social Science) |
Half Yearly Examination – 80 marks | Annual Examination – 80 marks |
a)Syllabus covered till announcement of Half Yearly exam for classes III to VIII. | 10% syllabus of 1st term covering significant topics + entire syllabus of 2nd term for Grade 3 to 6. |
b)Half Yearly Exam dates to be decided by school. (September / October) | 20% syllabus of 1st term covering significant topics + entire syllabus of 2nd term for Grade 7. |
c)Grade 3 to 5 HYE to be conducted for 30 Marks. | 30% syllabus of 1st term covering significant topics + entire syllabus of 2nd term for Grade 8. |
d)Grade 6 to 8 HYE to be conducted for 50 Marks. | Grade 3 to 5 AE to be conducted for 50 Marks. Grade 6 AE to be conducted for 60 Marks. Grade 7 & 8 AE to be conducted for 80 Marks. |