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ISD Senior Secondary CBSE English School
ISD Senior Secondary School affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Delhi (Reg. No.930085) established in 1990 and has been operating under Islamic Society for Development, a Socio cultural society.
The Society contained people from all sections of the locality. The first committee was formed with 28 members. Dr.K.P.O Sulaiman got elected as the founder President, Dr. P.V.Aboobacker as the founder General Secretary and the Joint Secretary, Mr.N.Mahmood Haji as the founder Treasurer.
Then they set up ISD English School with CBSE syllabus, starting with classes I to V.It is a blessing that the school is situated at UliyathKadavu, Keloth the renowned land of UppuSatyagraha on the serene Bank of Kavvai River. Cost of land was fully donated by Mr.N.Mahmood Haji. Land for well was donated by Haji.M.K.Thayyil.The school was formally inaugurated by Mr.Kamalkutty, then the District collector on 30th June,1990.
Very soon the institution could flourish as a prestigious senior Secondary School in the Locality.The School has been declared as a Minority Educational Institution under section 2(g) of the National Commission for minority Educational Institutions Act,2014.

“It is not the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes the difference.”